Improving patient access to urgent and emergency care in Dorset

NHS Dorset asked us to independently evaluate patient experiences to gauge their understanding of the different urgent and emergency healthcare settings, including Minor Injuries Units (MIU), hospital Emergency Departments (ED) and Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC), and to assess their accessibility. We also gathered insights from frontline staff about potential improvements to streamline services more effectively.
Feedback was gathered in April 2023 from 56 patients, observational data, and conversations with healthcare staff.
Key findings
- A lack of communication between units, patients, and NHS 111, including around NHS 111’s role in booking appointments/notifying services that a patient will be attending.
- Limited awareness among patients about the distinctions between MIUs and UTCs and what care these services provide, leading to a preference for visiting an ED or calling NHS 111.
- Inconsistent and outdated information materials within healthcare units.
- Underutilisation of MIU services in rural areas.
- An increase in patients visiting MIUs and UTCs who require primary care rather than urgent or emergency, due to lack of GP and dentist appointments.
- Geographical inaccuracies on the Stay Well Dorset website regarding UTCs and MIUs.
Read our report
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