Mental health in community care

Working together to improve mental health support in our community.

We have been talking to local people with a range of mental health support needs, including people who are experiencing homelessness and those with drug and alcohol addictions, as well as voluntary sector workers who support them.

We wanted to understand how mental health support is provided to people in the community, and to hear people’s views about how mental health services could be improved.

Key issues

  • Long waiting times to access mental health services in the community.
  • People who are using drugs and/or alcohol are unable to access mental health services in the community.
  • Routine prescription of medication instead of therapy.
  • A lack of continuity of Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs).
  • Not feeling listened to, and being patronised.
  • People are discharged if they miss an appointment.
  • Not having regular reviews of medication.

Read our reports

If you would like either report in a different format, email or call 0300 111 0102.

File download
Full report - Mental health in community care
Summary report - Mental health in community care

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