Be yourself - everybody else is taken

A digital project created to allow younger people to talk about their lives, what it is like to be them and what the health and wellbeing issues are for them.

Over 150 contributions in a wide variety of mediums – including images, painting, blogs, vlogs, films, poetry - helped to give an insight into how young people are feeling. We engaged with schools, colleges, universities and community groups, and ran school assemblies, creative workshops and small focus groups, where they discovered the stresses young people face, the pressure of social expectations, their fears and their general overview on opening up about their problems.

Key messages included:

  • The importance of early intervention and raising awareness.
  • Mental Health should be spoken about from a young age. The term 'mental health' should be used so that it no longer becomes a taboo subject.
  • Each year, as a young person develops, their understanding of mental health and stress should grow. They should be encouraged to open up and discuss how they feel, whether it’s in a group environment or on a 1-2-1 basis.

This report was produced by the previous Healthwatch Dorset service provider, Healthwatch Dorset CIC.

Read our report

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Be yourself - everybody else is taken

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