Our Engagement Officer Lucy Cribb met Janet Tolley from the Volunteer Centre Dorset, to find out about her work supporting patients to discharge safely from hospital and get the support they need at home.
Our Engagement Officer Lucy Cribb caught up with the Patient Experience Coordinator at Dorset County Hospital about the Home First service to better support carers.
We’ve been talking to the Student Services team at Weymouth College about common mental health issues young people are struggling with and how the College supports them. Here, we chat with their Head of Student Services.
We’ve been talking to the Student Services team at Weymouth College about common mental health issues young people are struggling with and how the College supports them. Here, we chat with their NEET Re-engagement Manager.
We’ve been talking to the Student Services team at Weymouth College about common mental health issues young people are struggling with and how the College supports them. Here, we chat with their Safeguarding Officer.
Whether someone is new to caring or has been caring for some time, it’s important that they understand their rights and that they are able to access the support that’s available to them.
Our volunteer, Rosie (who is studying a Masters in Public Health at Bournemouth University), explores the disorder in childhood and its signs and symptoms.