Supporting carers at Dorset County Hospital

An interview with Julia Woodhouse, Patient Experience Coordinator at Dorset County Hospital By Lucy Cribb, Healthwatch Dorset Engagement Officer In our September 2022 report, Carers experiences of Dorset Home First service, we recommended that hospital processes...

Finding out about the work of Food Banks

By Lucy Cribb, Healthwatch Dorset Engagement Officer Our Engagement Officer, Lucy, has written a blog about her recent visits to Food Banks in Dorset. She met with staff and volunteers to get a better understanding of how the Food Banks are run and how people are...

Valuing and supporting Dorset’s carers

Carers Rights Day – 23 November 2023 Carers Rights Day is an annual national campaign that brings organisations together to help unpaid carers know their rights. This year, the theme is ‘Your rights: today, tomorrow and in the future’. Whether...

Auditory Processing Awareness Day

What is Auditory Processing Disorder? Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), is where individuals face difficulties in understanding isolated sounds within social environments, affecting how the central nervous...
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